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Updated Scores + Ranks for 3 songs : "I'm Poppy", "Heavy", and "Temperamental Love"

Hey guys, this is a bit more informal. These are the reviews I wrote on a different website for 3 recent songs.

Temperamental Love - Bridgit Mendler and Devontee:

This song isn't very good on first listen. It grew on me after a few listens, but I have a few major criticisms with it: For one, it has really weird pacing. The tempo and volume change from the verses to Bridgit belting "temperamental love" is jarring and hard to listen to. In fact, that's probably the main reason I don't like this song: but that first name drop always hurts my ears. Second, I think that it has too much Devontee in it. I think that it'd be cool if he had one extra long verse for the bridge, and they both sang the second verse, and Bridgit got the first verse, a good transition from smoother Bridgit to rougher Devontee. Bridgit does sound really good in her verse/bridge, perhaps even a bit like Fergie during the ad-libs on the second verse. I also found that the production was rather uninteresting. Overall, I was and still am disappointed in this song. I expected so much from Bridgit after she dropped Nemesis, but what we got was a dissonance heavy song that I'd really only listen to in the background. Final Verdict: 4.5/10

That Poppy - I'm Poppy :

Okay, this song would be completely different depending on the Poppy exposure to the person listening to it. Three categories: 1. the person who never heard of Poppy 2. the people who have listened to Poppy's music and maybe seen a handful of videos 3. the people who actually watch Poppy's videos quite often. Most of you guys are category 2, and I'm category 3. That being said, this song is amazing for what Poppy's been doing recently. She's been exploring the corruption that technology can bring, and acting so much more like a cult leader than she did before. The people in her cult adore her and want to be her(The Plant, etc.) but there are people bringing her down like Charlotte. That's why Poppy released this video, to show her "fans" how to be more like her, and that's why Charlotte tried to delay the release.

What I'm trying to get at is this song, Money, Everybody Wants to be Poppy, and American Kids are the only songs that she's released that actually display her character, and none of those do as much as this one. The lyrics seem shallow to people not category 3, but they really make sense with how overly representative Poppy is supposed to be with pop culture. With all of the meaning out of the way, how is the song sonically? Great, in my opinion. From those signature NES-sounding synths to that complicated drumline, the production is great. The "drop" after the "P O P P Y I'M POPPY" line (which is a god-tier line) is absolutely amazing, and came completely out of nowhere. I'm not sure what to call that instrument, but I love it. Poppy's voice in the verses are really nice, with a methodical high-high-low structure that sounds good. I'm taking off a point for the robotic voice because even though it makes sense thematically, it's too much of a plot point of the song; I think it should be limited to like 5 words before the chorus. It's quite the earworm and I'm very pleased with it.


Linkin Park - Heavy ft Kiiara :

Okay, first I guess I have to talk about my experience with LP. I was never a huge fan, but Breaking the Habit and Numb used to be some of my favorite songs when I was going through that phase. I stopped following them for a while, so I don't really care at all that they went pop. In fact, if everything is to this caliber, I hope they release more darker pop songs like this. Though I do wish that they added more guitars just so their fanbase can stop dying in the comments.

It's annoying how everyone thinks lyrics that aren't just the same bubblegum love theme are "totes cringe my dude". I love the melody and though Chester's voice seems a bit frail and peculiar, he has a ton of control. Kiiara sounds better than she ever has in this song; she's not as whispery and she actually sounds like she has a lot of inflection in her tone. I was extremely surprised how well she turned out to be. I also love how she breaks up words in her verse. This song is really nice and theatric, and I'd listen again.

Also, watch this live performance.They both sound really good, which is strange for kiiara in particular to sound good live. It inflated my score a bit, not gonna lie.



Rating Changes:

Now that that's out of the way, I wanted to change a few of my review scores now that I've listened to the music more. Though I don't think that it'd be ethical to change the already established scores, I'll post them here. Most of my reasons are just the music growing on/off of me, but some are just to help standardize scores. You can write in the comments if you think otherwise!

Joanne: From 66 to 72

The Altar : From 90 to 94

Sremmlife 2 : 60 to 70

Death of a Bachelor : 38 to 40

7/27 : 63 to 60

Nemesis : 86 to 90

Last Year was Complicated : 58 to 60

And the big one:

Vroom Vroom : 45 to 65


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