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Half Way There... Pt 1. EP - Snow Tha Product Review

Half Way There... Pt 1 is an EP by Snow Tha Product, a very talented female rapper who I've been following for quite a bit. The EP was released on June 17, 2016. A lot of the EP is produced by the prodigious Focus, and written entirely by Snow herself. It consists of 6 songs and 2 interludes.

First off, I'd like to say that Snow's style has evolved so much from her last songs. Most of her old songs, with the exception of Hola and her feature in So Dope, were all fairly flat and average to me, but I could tell that she had tons of potential.

The first song, "No Cut", is a great start to the album. It consists of snippets from interviews and some rap verses. Her talented lyricism is quickly apparent; this track is full of clever metaphors. The interviews are mostly about the various label opportunities she's had, and some of the reasons and experiences that got her famous in the first place.

"Nights" is the most memorable song on the EP. It's a slower rap song about a rocky yet thrilling relationship. What really sets it apart is the amazing contrast of the lilting and soft voice of the guest star, W. Darling in the chorus ("Where everything starts with your kiss/Didn't I do it for the nights like this?") and Snow's harsh yet raw verses ("What's a little high when you're feeling so ****ing low?") . It's really a masterful clash of motives, and the production only enhances this appeal. I kind of wish that more of the album followed this style.

"Too Much", the first interlude, is a cut out of a probably cancelled song about Snow's anxiety related to her fragile fame and haters. The 30 second clip reminds me of some of Kendrick's interludes.

"Get Down Low" is a catchy club banger. Ohana Bam's slightly stereotypical but fun chorus fits the song well. Snow's flow on this song is impeccable; possibly the best on the EP. It's pretty impressive for the type of song that this song is supposed to be. This song showcases Snow's versatile style. The production on this song is very alluring and bass-heavy, perfect for the theme of it.

"Alright", featuring PnB Rock is another song about a stressful relationship (probably the same as in Nights), but it's certainly not as good as Nights. Her style in this song honestly seems kind of bland, and PnB Rock adds nothing that Snow couldn't just do herself. The production is boring. Sometimes songs can be hit or miss, and this is definitely a miss.

"Too Much to Take" is the second interlude. The dreary rough production feels good with Snow's narrative about her poor childhood. Again, it returns to her theme of anxiety, which I assume she will get back to on Pt. 2. I really wish that this was a full song; it has potential.

"Nuestra Cancion" is a mostly Spanish song, so my review of it may be a little bit sketchy because I speak very little Spanish. I do like how she returns to her Latina roots, and I kind of like how she merges Spanish and English words so easily and smoothly on this track.

"Not Tonight" is one of those hardstyle songs with rap verses and a drop, think Black Widow by Iggy Azalea. It's extremely catchy, the production is very enjoyable, and Snow's lyricism on this track is quite impressive. It's a little bit too short, but it's a very fun song with a lot of single potential.

Overall, this album is pretty impressive to me. Snow Tha Product is an amazing rapper, and that fact that she's a female on this male-dominated game makes her even better. I mean, I can understand what she's saying in Spanish better than I can understand Young Thug, Future, or Fetty Wap a lot of the time... The EP does have some weak points, but it does make up for it, and I eagerly await Pt. 2.

Final Verdict : 70/100


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