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There's a Lot Going On EP - Vic Mensa Review

There's a Lot Going On is an EP by Chicago rapper Vic Mensa, released on June 3rd 2016. It consists of seven songs, and all but the last two songs are produced exclusively by Papi Beatz. It is an emotional roller coaster of an EP, showcasing the darker sides of Chicago and of Mensa's life journey.

I'm going to admit that I hadn't really heard much of Mensa except for the feature on Skrillex's song "No Chill", and the collaboration with Kanye West, "U Mad" . I'm pleasnatly surprised by Vic Mensa's lyrical skill and amazing flow; There's a Lot Going On (I'll just call it TALGO), isn't perfect; but it's certainly above average.

The first song, "Dynasty", is rather unremarkable. It does showcase Mensa's lyricism, but it doesn't seem to have a point like the rest of his songs do. However, it's the outro of the song that signals the true, dark intent of the EP. "To the police/ you can not [x3]/ will not/ Kill me!/ if you want justice, make some noise. Let's go/ 16 shots [x8]."

Much of the EP is about the violence and racism by the corrupt cops, especially in Chicago. "16 Shots" is a chilling tribute to Laquan Mcdonald, the teenager who was shot sixteen times in Chicago by a policeman in cold blood. It's a call to arms against police brutality caused by racism, and one of the best tracks on the EP.

"Danger", the first song released off the EP, is a song about Vic's dangerous, wild personality, caused by his upbringing in the violent streets of Chicago. Vic's creative lyrics and great flow makes "Danger" arguably the best banger on the EP. The production on this song is also very good; the Hindi background singing really complement the style of this song.

"New Bae"... is, in my opinion the worst song on TALGO. It's about Mensa trying to find a new girlfriend; it's pretty uncreative, and overly dirty.  It honestly reminds me of Rae Sremmurd; not a good thing at all.

"Liquor Locker" is a unique new taste to the EP. I have mixed feelings about it, but the rhythm and singing style in the hook is undeniably good. The guitar instrumental is surprising, but suits the song. At first glance, the song is just about an affair with a girl; but it actually seems to be about his alcoholism. Ty Dolla $ign makes a surprise appearance, but he really doesn't add anything amazing to the song.

"Shades of Blue" returns to the theme of racism, using the Flint, Michigan water crisis as the focal point. Mensa also re-invigorates the flames against police brutality, and the ignorance of the public against the injustices dealt to minorities. This gets its points across in an extremely harsh manner; but, as Mensa suggests, maybe that's the only way that the point will get across at all.

"There's a Lot Going On", the final track of TALGO, is one of the best narrative rap songs I've heard. The unique format of the song, starting and ending with a hook and only one, four minute verse, tells the listeners of Mensa's life and career. Such vulnerability is so often seen in rap, especially from a person like Vic Mensa. Listeners are drawn into Mensa's flow, hanging on to every word. Mensa leaves bare his struggles with drugs, alcohol, relationships, and his music career, leaving listeners. It ends with the chilling, desperate-sounding hook. "Know I never die/ we live forever in my mind/ And I sanctify/ we live forever, still alive."

Mensa hypes up his listeners, leaving them with a quality EP. Though it did have some flaws and below average songs, it is definitely worth a listen.

Final Verdict : 67/100


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