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low kii savage EP - kiiara Review

Yes, that is all supposed to be in lowercase. 
I'm going to attempt to post on this on Tuesday and Friday; however, I have a ton of college work, and sometimes I'm just too tired to write even more than I already have been all day. If I start getting more support, I'll surely post more. I'm going to try to start weaving a bit more of my own opinions and personality into my reviews.

low kii savage is kiiara's debut EP, released on March 22, 2016. It's mostly produced by Felix Snow, and very well, might I add. It's a sleek, enjoyable electropop listen, crowned by kiiara's breathy vocals and impressive lyricism. Unfortunately, the majority of it is rather forgettable, but it's still a very good debut EP. kiiara seems to embody the modern culture of young adults today, and she does a good job at it.

"Gold" is the premier track of the EP, and is rather popular. It's been on the top Spotify charts for who knows how long. So far, it's the only single. It's undeniably catchy, has interesting (yet strange) lyrics, and has top-notch production. The garbled vocals at the chorus may be off-putting to some, but it definitely grows on you. I'd probably say that this is some of her best vocal work; her breathy, bright voice beautifully compliments the song.

"Feels" is also a quality track. It's about kiiara, and an unnamed male companion, using drugs to inhibit their emotions. Again, kiiara's songwriting is showcased; she declares : "Yeah, it's way too many feels, way too much emotion/ I don't even know what's real/ I just say f*ck it, keep on going". "Feels" is quite enjoyable to listen to, and is one of the more memorable songs on the EP; her voice sounds intoxicating in the song, matching the content of the lyrics.

"Tennessee" is where the EP starts to take a turn for the average. Though the lyrics and deliverance second verse ("I like the color red, so I let it bleed") and the bridge ("Do you remember when they bowed to us like kings, my friend?") are satisfying and up to the par with what we've heard so far, the chorus and the first verse seem shallow and pointless, and there's a rather disappointing EDM drop in this song that really doesn't seem to suit kiiara.

"Intention" gives listeners a glimmer of hope for the EP. kiiara's melodic vocals are even better on this track, reminding me slightly of Revival era Selena Gomez. The song starts out weak, but gets stronger and stronger as it goes on. The clipped vocal samples are slightly off-putting, but they can be overlooked. Her songwriting isn't remarkable on this song, but it's certainly not bad.

"Say Anymore" changes kiiara's melodic, breathy vocals more than in any song before. They're more filtered and pitched. This song obviously isn't trying to be as serious as "Feels" or "Intention", and that's okay. However, the production doesn't reflect the nature of the song at all. It sounds unnatural, with its singular notes. This is the type of song that could be amazing with a good remix. It just doesn't seem like it belongs on the EP, though. The vibe it gives is just so different to anything previously heard by kiiara.

"Hang Up Tha Phone" is a really sleek, sensual track. The lyrics are probably the best on the EP. "Cause me plus you/ Equals everything we shouldn't do/ But you plus me/ Equals everything I wanna be." However, the hip-hop inspired slang she uses does feel kind of strange, considering her vocal style. "Hang up tha phone/ Hop in your whip/ Boy I'm home alone/ In this empty a** crib." The production work is very suitable for the song, but it just seems too short, leading to the biggest problem that this EP faces.

low kii fire just seems incomplete to me. I'm not quite satisfied; it feels like kiiara has far more potential than she shows, and she's just squandering it away on pointless songs like "Tennessee" and "Say Anymore". Regardless, low kii savage was enjoyable to listen to, and I wait with baited breath for more from kiiara.

Final Verdict: 60/100


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