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Collage - The Chainsmokers EP Review

Preface: Thank you SO MUCH for all of the support for the last review! It honestly inspires me so much.

Collage is the second extended play from the dynamic duo themselves, EDM producers The Chainsmokers. Everyone and their uncle has heard their mega-hit "Closer", so this EP had a very reasonable amount of hype. Since then, The Chainsmokers have established themselves as overgrown fratboys, with ridiculous interviews, shade at other artists, and general immaturity. However, they surprised us all with this. Collage is an absolute masterpiece, with some of the most original and innovative EDM tracks since Skrillex himself!

Just kidding.

It sucks.

Final Verdict:

Okay, fine, let's be real. The Chainsmokers has delivered some of the most radio-friendly, cliche, formulaic EDM/pop songs in a long time with this four-track EP.

The first track, "Setting Fires", is a good example of this. The first verse and the intro are rather good; XYLO (Seriously, what kind of name is that?) has a rather nice voice, and I appreciate the lyrics, even though they're fairly dull, but it all falls apart with the hypersweet synth "drop". Truly, this is how every single track is on this EP, perhaps with the exclusion of "Closer". A relatively unknown female vocalist, a good to average melody and verse, and a completely horrible, over-sweet synth centered drop. This isn't to say that I hate the Chainsmokers; in fact, I really like some of their old music. "Kanye" is actually really good in all aspects, "Until You Were Gone" is nice (mostly for Emily Warren) and has a really amazing drop, and "#SELFIE", while annoying, was kinda unique and trendsetting; everything this album hopefully is not.

(EDIT: I have since learned that XYLO is a brother/sister duo of a producer and a vocalist. I think that's pretty nice, and probably explains why the production on the verses are so good /s)

"All We Know" is arguably even worse than "Setting Fires". Phoebe Ryan does sound like she's about 12 years old, and I actually like some of her songs, like "Chronic", but she seems out of place on this track, especially because her voice is a bit distorted. Drew Taggart, the bigger douchebag of the Chainsmokers, does help sing the melody of this song, but adds very little.

"Closer", the flagship of both the charts and the EP, is the only semi-unique track. An ode to the fratboy, partying lifestyle, it's the story of a guy who meets up with his ex at a party, and the rest is history. Sung by Drew Taggart and Halsey, a major alternative popstar who I know will regret this eventually, it's no surprise that it's at the top of the charts. It has everything a radio-friendly EDM song should have; "relatable" lyrics, like "Stay and play that Blink-182 song/That we beat to death in Tucson, okay", a singable melody, and The Chainsmoker's signature lazy drop. I do appreciate how good the production goes along with the vocals in the pre-chorus, but that's probably the only reason that I can tolerate this song. Furthermore, Halsey's voice really carries this song; it's very obvious that Drew has little to no singing prowess, so of course she would upstage him.

"Inside Out" has very little staying power. I like the snares in this song, but the vocalist, Charlee, just sounds SO utterly bored and unenthusiastic. It's a shame, because this song has by far the best drop on the EP; the first part of the drop is cliche, but the second part is rather nice. The vocals ruin this song, and it's the exact opposite for the next song: "Don't Let Me Down". Daya, the featured vocalist on this song, has a fierce and powerful voice, especially in the bridge. I appreciate her honest efforts, but the drop to this song just sounds so utterly average and predictable that it ruins the track for me. The only time that I consider the production to be half-good on "Don't Let Me Down", is during the bridge, and the buildup to the next hook after that.

Overall, Collage brought literally nothing new to the table, except for a single that is inexplicably topping the charts for far too long, that we'll probably forget about in a year anyways. The Chainsmokers seem to have lost their creative spark somewhere along the line, and their fame is going to their head, as interview after interview of them embarrassing themselves show.  I honestly can say that I couldn't handle an entire LP of this type of formulaic music.

(Actual) Final Verdict:

Favorite Tracks: Setting Fires
Least Favorite Tracks: Closer, All We Know


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