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Nemesis - Bridgit Mendler EP Review

Nemesis is an EP by Bridgit Mendler, former Disney star. She's released on album in the past, Hello, My Name is..., and I think that it was pretty okay, but this EP is really something else. Released November 18th, 2016, this EP precedes a currently un-named full length album. It's four tracks long, which is a bit too short for my liking, but it certainly does fulfill it's assumed goal of being a preview of the upcoming album.

I went into this EP already having heard two of the songs (and a live performance of the third), so nothing really surprised me, but I really did enjoy Mendler's work on this. I love listening to every track on this EP, and so far it seems like this next album is going to be ages beyond Hello, My Name Is.... 

The first track, and the headlining single, "Atlantis", is a look into just how much Mendler has changed up her style. Right off the bat, it seems as if Mendler has learned to use her voice so much better, actually putting the emotion in her words that a lot of her freshman album lacked. The metaphor-filled verses quickly move onto the chorus, which will definitely surprise any listener. The vocals are heavily distorted, making Mendler's voice sound almost robotic; which fits the theme of the chorus, lamenting "Oh, I know how to feel, I know that love exists/it's asleep with the fishes, down in Atlantis". The distorted voice may take time to get used to, but I learned to enjoy it. Guest rapper Kaiydo also raps a verse on this song, and though he's certainly not bad, I feel like his verse was unneeded. I mean, Bridgit proved live that she could do the verse just as well as him, and then there was "Hurricane"... anyways, I digress. "Atlantis" was a great choice for a leading track, so props to her.

"Library" is a slower cut, with lyrics that any listener can relate to. It's about one of Bridgit's old crushes, and it's honestly just a nice and cutesy song. It's probably the weakest track on the EP, but I love the way that she kind of belts: "Boy, you make me flip!". I also like the very chill instrumental, that flows really well into the next track.

"Do You Miss Me At All" is definitely the highest point of the EP. It's a darker R&B/pop piece with some minimalist electronic influences and possibly some jazz roots. It's such a ride to listen to, with dynamic verses and powerful choruses, with a somber whistling post-chorus. The drumwork in this song really amazes me, as they seem to fit around all of Mendler's words, as she belts "Do you miss me at all?/Do you want to leave a message on my phone, saying 'I'm coming home?' ". Mendler's voice is even stronger on the bridge, before leading to a quieter chorus. You can really feel Mendler's pain through her voice in this song, and that's really what makes it so great. Even the whistling, which might be off-putting on the first listen, seems to fit the mood of the song. It's such a mature song for a former Disney star.

The final song, "Snap My Fingers", is a sassy jam with some urban influences. It deals with Bridgit's influence over her man, which is probably her most mature topic so far. The verses are catchy and the pre-chorus is reminiscent of an EDM build-up, but it actually surprisingly leads into an incredibly sassy chorus, with Bridgit using a higher register no one had any idea that she actually had. It eventually gives way to a nice little breakdown for the bridge, with some surprising brass instrumentals. I actually slightly prefer the live version to this, but either way I still love this song. It just sounds so sweet but independent at the same time.

Overall, Nemesis is a great listen and I'm definitely adding a few of these songs to my library. If Mendler's new album is to this caliber, I might because a huge fan of her. This album is so versatile and varied, and I really didn't expect anything this good. Truly, Nemesis showcases an amazing maturation of a former Disney's star music style and prowess, without being forced to try to be overly provactive; I thought I'd never see the day.

Final Verdict : 86/100

Favorite Tracks: Do You Miss Me At All, Snap My Fingers
Least Favorite Tracks: Library

(also this gif I made of Bridgit is perfect for this album :


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